General Cover Letter

See the Resume here

I'm interested in being on a team of smart, effective programmers guided by smart (and preferably Agile) process and management, who produce results and feel job satisfaction.

The following are the qualities that, over time, I've come to believe are the most vital in a team member:

  • Intelligent and talented

  • Thorough and organized

  • Team-oriented

  • Habitually exceeds expectations

I've seen other qualifications go either way (degrees, technology experience, etc.), but if I know someone who:

  • has a knack for programming, and is bright enough to learn new technologies and implement them in innovative ways

  • approaches a problem systematically and knows how to disambiguate requirements

  • is concerned with the agenda and success of the group as a whole

  • constantly surprises me with quality I can rely on

...then I know that this person is going to be an integral part of the team's success.

I think I have these qualities (mostly), and in my work they are what I try to "be like."