Chat Stream Analysis
Sample Sub-pages:
Chat Replay
How many chat messages have profanity? Hate speech?
Are we filtering them effectively?
Have we optimized the detection and filtering algorithms?
Can we (should we) pay for a service for this, or do it ourselves?
To answer these questions, let's
"replay" chat messages from two days ago
feed them through various detection and/or filtering systems
collect whatever metrics we want (including performance)
Over three days...
In the top 2 charts on the right, we can see metrics around fetching the chat logs from BigQuery. Then they are fed into a Reactive Flux. (See LogStreamService)
To handle that volume of chat
We need some hefty concurrency code.
Thanks, Kotlin Coroutines! (See the TaskBroker)
We also need faster/better/reactive communication across services. Thanks RSocket! (See the OchRSocketService)
And then, we collect TONS of metrics on it. Thanks, Micrometer!