

package com.blizzard.content.filter.chatreplay.sink.task

import com.blizzard.content.filter.chatreplay.domain.ChatLog

import com.blizzard.content.filter.chatreplay.domain.TransformResponse

import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope

import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers

import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob


* Functional interfaces defined here, Kotlin-style.


* These interfaces give more structure (inheritance, sealed hierarchy) than just typealiases on function declarations.

* They can still be easily declared with a literal function block as a constructor:


* ProcessSam { chatLog: ChatLog -> chatLog.toString() }


* They can also still be aliased.


* https://kotlinlang.org/docs/fun-interfaces.html#functional-interfaces-vs-type-aliases


sealed interface ChatLogTask {

fun taskScope(): CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO)

fun timerSpec(): Pair<String, Map<String, String>> = Pair("UndefinedChatLogTask", mapOf())

suspend fun process(chatLog: ChatLog): Any


fun interface ProcessTask: ChatLogTask {

override suspend fun process(chatLog: ChatLog): String


fun interface PredicateTask: ChatLogTask {

override suspend fun process(chatLog: ChatLog): Boolean


fun interface TransformTask: ChatLogTask {

override suspend fun process(chatLog: ChatLog): TransformResponse


fun interface ReductionTask: ChatLogTask {

override suspend fun process(chatLog: ChatLog): Long
